Handelsblatt Award TOP 40 personnel consultancies 2024

We are honored to be one of the top 40 personnel consultancies in Germany. This award confirms our continuous work and commitment.

Our focus has for a long time been on business disciplines and managers who are able to lead companies safely into the future during challenging times. Particularly in the areas of IT security and artificial intelligence, we are looking for experts who not only see these topics as technical challenges, but can also capitalize on them strategically.

Our sincere gratitude goes to the Handelsblatt Research Institute for this valuable distinction. This recognition motivates us to continue to provide excellent services and find the best talent for our customers.

As with all Handelsblatt awards, companies do not pay a fee for participation or selection. Further information on the award and methodology can be found on the Handelsblatt website.

Specializes in staffing top management positions in business and professional services companies. As co-founder of dla, he is responsible for assessment and succession. As co-founder of dla, he is responsible for the areas of assessment and succession.

MARCEL RAMIN DERAKHCHAN is the founder of dla digital leaders advisory and is responsible for filling top management positions in business professional services companies as well as software and high-tech companies. In particular, he advises global strategy consultancies, IT service providers, software companies and hidden champions.

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