Claudia Pohlink, Head of Artificial Intelligence @Deutsche Bahn on trending topics in the AI sector

“Provide talents with challenges that will empower them to make a positive difference – as in energy conservation, Co2 reduction or cybersecurity.“

What are the new developments in the AI sector that are shaping the recruitment of much sought-after specialists and talents? Three questions for Claudia Pohlink, Head of Data Intelligence @ Deutsche Bahn.

dla: How do you assess the brain drain mostly caused by American tech corporations?

CLAUDIA POHLINK: There are many companies out there in hot pursuit of AI experts, not just the U.S. tech corporations. Here in Berlin, for example, we have a number of startups as well as corporate laboratories like the Telekom Innovation Laboratories, where AI research and development is also being conducted at the highest levels. A lot of these activities are not going on behind closed doors, but involve exchanges within the AI community. So this includes corporations, startups, universities and research institutions – and naturally we are also in dialogue with technology corporations like IBM and Google on many topics.

What is most important to me is that we invest more in training the right profiles in Germany – data science/AI vocational training, degree programmes, research support, etc. are necessary so that we can attract the right talent to our location.

dla: What strategies and measures do companies use to attract high potential AI experts?

CLAUDIA POHLINK: In my opinion, the actual tasks are far more important than frills like free fruit, table football and other perks. If you give talents demanding challenges that will also deliver decidedly positive effects – in areas such as energy saving, Co 2 reduction, traffic optimization, cybersecurity – then you’ll find talented people knocking on your door. If they are then given ample latitude to devise creative solutions to problems, explore new methods and create visible improvements together with the specialist departments – all of this will be motivating over the long term.

“What is the long-term vision for AI in companies?“

Today it is also clear that not only the large US corporations, but also many German corporate laboratories have an attractive working environment. In addition to the monetary and non-monetary aspects, our T-Labs, for example, offer an innovative environment in which our experts can work on the application of cutting-edge technology for the future of telecommunications in Germany and Europe. This offers a great deal of scope for further development and for shaping the development of the coming years.

dla: There are ten minutes left in the interview for a decision-maker position – what’s the question I should definitely ask as an AI talent?

CLAUDIA POHLINK: Which use cases have been implemented, what is work currently focusing on? How are new use cases defined – and what does a typical project look like in the interaction between RD and business units? What is the long-term vision for AI in the company and what are the medium-term focus areas geared to achieving this vision?

was at the time of the interview Head of Artificial Intelligence @ T-Labs – Telekom Innovation Laboratories. Today she works in a similar role for Deutsche Bahn. Her team focuses on the application of AI methods such as machine learning as well as quantum computing.

specializes in filling management positions in business and professional services companies and is a proven expert in complex searches in the AI environment.

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