The Hogan assessment test provides useful points of reference for identifying and developing executives

Navigation guide for the future path. Network dynamics replace hierarchies, value replaces intrigue, shared power replaces consolidated power: the digitalization is rapidly transforming the requirements of successful leadership. How do you identify suitably qualified decision-makers who can keep up with dynamic market developments? The Hogan assessment test uses three character traits to determine employees’ potential for successful decision-making.

In order to solve the challenges of performance-oriented organizations – such as management consultancies – in the best possible way, candidates for management positions are generally selected on the basis of their presumed aptitude. This can refer to specific tasks, general fields of activity, professions or profession classes. Aptitude refers to the probability of being successful in such activities or professions in the future. The prerequisites for this are the specific skills and abilities of the candidates, as well as their motivational characteristics (motives, needs, willingness, interests, attitudes and values) and other personality traits (e.g. extroversion, emotional stability).

A focus on basic skills

Particularly in view of the difficult-to-predict future requirements of work, companies should concentrate primarily on generalizable potential, i.e. on their basic competencies in the performance and personality area, when searching for and selecting managers. On the one hand, this can prevent managers from being hired on the basis of their professional qualifications and later dismissed because of their personality or behavior. It also provides a considerable, long-term boost to the success of your company.

Personality and leadership

Personality’ refers to the characteristic features of people that provide information about why they behave the way they do. Almost everything we do is guided by our most intimate needs. Psychologists call them “motivations”. For example, we strive to achieve a certain status, to advance our own career or to become a confidant for someone we value.

Smart organizations prioritize finding talented people and preparing them for a promotion. Unfortunately, most organizations struggle to find suitable, precise methods for identifying and developing those employees that are best suited to become successful executives.

They can benefit from personality assessments that explain and predict professional success. The Hogan assessment test measures reputation from two perspectives:

Everyday life – HPI

This perspective assesses how executives handle everyday situations. The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) predicts leadership success across all levels and industries. It also gives you insights into the strengths and weaknesses of a candidate and how others perceive them.

Under pressure – HDS

This perspective describes how executives react to situations of high pressure and stress. The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) predicts difficulties in establishing contact, maintaining relationships and empowering an effective team.


The MVPI (Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory) describes personality from the inside – the core goals, values, drivers, and interests that determine what we desire and strive to attain.

Guidance for important HR decisions

The Hogan Assessments were developed to predict behavior within organizations and find useful applications for this information. It uses three perspectives of personality to describe executives in the workplace in a very differentiated way. Unlike other personality questionnaires, it measures the external perception rather than self-image. This makes it an important decision-making tool for companies across all industries. It informs decisions at multiple critical stages of HR management, such as:

  • Employee selection and development
  • Design of efficient selection processes
  • Planning of developmental measures based on concrete suggestions
  • Reduction of accident rates, safety risks and related costs

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